Publication: Five essentials for successful circular bio-based construction initiatives

geplaatst in: English, Nieuws, Project | 0

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De eerste white paper van CBCI is nu beschikbaar!

Deze Whitepaper is de eerste in een reeks en richt zich vooral op opdrachtgevers die circulair, bio-based willen bouwen.

Hieronder staan de links naar ons eerste white paper van het Interreg 2 Seas project Circular, Biobased Construction Industry (CBCI). In dit project is Agrodome partner. Het project gaat over de opschaling van circulair, bio-based bouwen. In de white paper worden alle invalshoeken die nodig zijn om tot opschaling te komen bekeken. Juridisch, economisch, technisch en sociaal. Wij gaan in op businessmodellen, samenwerkingsvormen, materiaal (toepassing, ontwikkeling en LCA), inkoop methode (tools, labels etc.) en educatie (studenten en al in de bouw werkenden).

White Paper – Vijf bouwstenen voor succesvolle circulaire biobased bouwinitiatieven


The first White Paper

Publication: Five essentials for successful circular bio-based construction initiatives

Circular Bio-based Construction Industry (CBCI)

The first publication of the CBCI project (Circular Bio-based Construction Industry) is entitled “Five Essentials for Successful Circular Bio-Based Construction Initiatives”. This White Paper discusses challenges and opportunities surrounding circularity and the application of biobased material in construction. Next to this, the White Paper aims to illustrate how one could be more successful at taking circular and bio-based construction initiatives.

The learnings in this White Paper come from interviews and desk research, and are put together in five essentials, which are explained and illustrated by insights, exemplary projects (case studies) and readily applicable solutions. These five essentials form the outline of this White Paper:

1. AFFORDABLE cost-effective & inclusive reuse,
2. FLEXIBLE prepare for future functions,
3. PASSIVE stay cool & healthy with bio-based materials,
4. INTEGRAL continuously reflect on circular bio-based benefits
5. TRADITIONAL OWNERSHIP keep it, simple.

The five essentials and cases in this white paper can be used as inspiration and could help real estate professionals, property owners, developers and other interested parties in the construction sector to realize affordable and feasible circular bio-based constructions. By focusing on the essentials, one could prevent valuable resources (including energy) going to waste, today and in the future.

White Paper Five essentials for successful circular bio-based construction initiatives  



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