Workshop 3 CBCI: Initiation and vision forming

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Workshops Circular Bio-based Construction Industry (CBCI) Session 3: Initiation and vision forming CBCI organizes a series of interactive online workshops to reflect on the learnings throughout the CBCI project. In this series CBCI will share the experiences of workshops with initiators from the … Vervolgd

Workshop 4 CBCI: Health

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Workshops Circular Bio-based Construction Industry (CBCI) Session 4: Health  CBCI organizes a series of interactive online workshops to reflect on the learnings throughout the CBCI project. In this series CBCI will share the experiences of workshops with initiators from the construction industry. The … Vervolgd

Slotbijeenkomst CBCI project 15 juni

geplaatst in: Agenda archief | 0

Working together on a more Circular and Biobased Construction Industry Op woensdag 15 juni 2022 was de slotbijeeneenkomst van het CBCI project. Let op: De datum is een dag eerder dan oorspronkelijk gepland. Locatie KU Leuven Technologiecampus Gent Gebroeders De Smetstraat 1, … Vervolgd